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Any month with an eclipse in it is going to be eventful, and since the 20th‘s solar eclipse is in your sign, what happens around this time is likely to make a big impact. You could be preparing to take a life-changing step or you could find you’ve taken one due to events that come out of the blue: either way, your future may look rather different once April and May are done. Ideally, you need to take ground-breaking steps because you have the cosmos behind you and you may never get such opportunities again. And should you have no choice but to accept a new status-quo, consider it to be in your best interests.



The winds of change are blowing at full capacity. In most cases to great effect, getting rid of impediments to your success and happiness, although this does not necessarily mean the events that inspire your liberty are easy to handle. You face certain challenges in April, perhaps through information coming to light that puts a different complexion on a relationship or a project in the planner. Mid-month has the greatest potential for shock and awe, and especially if you have a birthday around the 21st, this could be the first of a series of events over the next two years, that will transform your life horizons.



You could be glued to your seat watching unprecedented developments in distant parts of the world. On the other hand, events of significance could be happening on your own doorstep. Should you be making waves, then you will be doing so with attitude and succeeding, and if you are on the receiving end of developments that throw you off balance, know that they serve a positive purpose. April and May are times of great change for the planet, and those who are prepared to throw out old scripts and start over are going to fare best. Indeed, you should thrive and prosper from your actions.



Thank your lucky stars — Mars in this case, which is in your sign and encouraging you to go on the initiative in pursuit of your ambitions and desires. This planet may be creating a climate of contention too, but you can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs, as they say. April and May are months of great change and volatility: on the one hand, these influences provide the wherewithal for you to achieve your goals, but you may sustain a few bruises in the process. Whatever happens at this time is meant to be, and whether you’re grateful for events or not so much, good things will come out of them.



April is not for the faint-hearted. Indeed, the next couple of months pose a few challenges to Leo’s need to be in control. The tighter you hold onto the reins, the bumpier the ride. Loosen your grip, adapt to changes and continue to believe that everything is happening for the best. Sound formidable? Maybe, but these powerful influences have the capacity to change your life for the better, even though it may mean your having to let go of something in the process. Keep your eyes focussed on the 20th/21st when a solar eclipse could open up a whole new chapter, suddenly and unexpectedly.



We are living in interesting times. The hands on the cosmic clock are pointing to lift-off, whether you receive the go ahead to an endeavour or something you believed was rock solid proves to be very permeable. For some Virgos what happens in April and May will be welcome but for others it is precisely the reverse. There is always a way around an impasse, however, even if it takes time and rather a lot of back-pedalling. Speaking of which, Mercury heads into retrograde on the 21st, taking you back over old ground and inspiring delays and detours.



Thank goodness for Jupiter. This planet is generating joy and good fortune, more importantly, it is protecting and providing for you. And in this cosmic climate that’s like having a magic bullet at your disposal. The full moon of the 6th is the only one this year in your sign, and while this could mark a very special occasion and the completion of a long and circuitous journey, it could also bring to a head a situation that has been festering for some time. What will be will be, as they say, but maybe you are better off without a certain person or situation in your life. Food for thought, particularly around the 20th.



Hang onto your hat! This is another of those months when you won’t be able to see one or more developments coming. This doesn’t mean that the unexpected will be bad – you may be thrilled with what happens – but because it wasn’t in the planner, you may miss the potential it holds. The second half of April puts you in uncharted waters, which could be exciting if not a little unnerving, but rather than fight the current, simply lie back and float. Decisions of a long-term nature will be best made in late May once you can see a lot more of the horizon.



Put a ring around the 11th because Venus enters the relationship zone bringing her gifts of love and harmony to bear. April could be the perfect time to tie the knot or put a love affair on a more permanent basis, yet if there are serious cracks in a relationship, they are likely to widen in this intense climate. April is an unpredictable month so the things you are worried about turn out to be a piece of cake and the events you expect to go like a dream turn into a bit of a nightmare. You’re going to be kept on your toes, but if you pay attention, you’ll spot a great opportunity.



Home and family are in the spotlight. There could be a gathering of the clans and happy news to share but there could also be some darker tones that require careful handling. People may misinterpret messages and a relationship could be damaged by unintentional remarks or actions. The astrological weather is particularly stormy during the second half of the month, so keep a plan B in your backpack at all times. Indeed, travel and communications could be part of the problem so don’t embark on a journey without insurance and your patience pills.



Aim to get answers to key questions and plans nailed down before the 20th because Mercury will be dragging its heels thereafter and it will be more difficult to get from A to B, whether in terms of communication or travel. Late April is a time of discovery: you may find you have deeper feelings for someone than you thought, you may realize why a situation is the way it is or something that has been concealed will be revealed. It is all to the good because you cannot go forward into a new chapter of life dragging baggage from the old along with you.



Make the most of the cosmic breezes during Easter because you’ll be facing a head wind from the 15th. You can still get where you’re going and you can still be successful and happy, but things will be just that little bit harder to accomplish and you may have to accommodate last moment changes. Make your most important financial moves early in the month and set some reserves aside just in case retrograde Mercury hinders transactions and holds up payments. And should you lose contact with someone or people are failing to get back to you, do not assume the worst. Good news can take time.


